Attributes of a great financial advisor

Andrew Tricomi - Apr 11, 2024

The real attributes of a great financial advisor. The value you should expect to receive is much more than an acceptable investment return or having annual reviews. Advisors should be focused on the core of what the client is truly hiring you for and not just be limited to the basics of what the job details, such as tax and estate planning, budgeting, educating behavioral finance to instill a lifelong skill of inter generational wealth planning period helping you build and redefine your purpose is crucial to overcome challenges and find success. What does a good life look like to you?


1. PURPOSEFUL: Advisors have a clear mission to help clients and don't let market swings or news headlines drive impulse actions

2. EMPATHETIC: Advisors know they cannot effectively serve clients without genuinely relating to them

3. AUTHENTIC: Advisors are willing to be transparent and vulnerable, helping to build trust and encourage real communication

4. INQUISITIVE: Advisors work to uncover what is truly meaningful to their clients and search for the most robust solutions

5. HONEST: Advisors set realistic expectations about controllable actions and probable outcomes